Protecting Your Client from KreditBee Harassment


First and foremost, it is important to understand that harassment is a form of behavior characterized by unwelcome and persistent actions that target an individual or a group, creating a hostile or intimidating environment. It can manifest in various forms, including verbal, physical, psychological, and digital abuse.

Moreover, recovery agent harassment involves unethical and aggressive practices used by some debt recovery agents when attempting to collect outstanding debts from borrowers. This harassment can take various forms and often violates the legal and ethical guidelines set by regulatory authorities, such as the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).

This behavior includes threats of violence, legal action, or property seizure that exceed legal bounds or are not intended to be carried out. It also encompasses excessive contact through calls, texts, or emails, often at inappropriate hours, and misleading or false statements about the consequences of non-payment. Additionally, harassment may involve disclosing debt information to third parties without consent or using derogatory language towards debtors.

It is essential to understand the means by which recovery agents typically approach their potential victims to extort loan repayment. Knowing these methods is crucial to making rational decisions for your security.

Common Forms of Recovery Agent Harassment

  • Frequent and Abusive Calls: Recovery agents may repeatedly call the borrower, often at odd hours, and use abusive or threatening language. Such actions are prohibited by RBI guidelines.
  • Threats and Intimidation: Recovery agents may threaten physical harm, legal action, or public humiliation to coerce repayment. Understanding these threats can help individuals remain calm and take rational steps to protect themselves.
  • Personal Visits: Agents may visit the borrower’s home or workplace unannounced, causing embarrassment or distress. Despite strict guidelines prohibiting this, some agents still violate their code of conduct, which is a serious offense.
  • Misrepresentation: Misleading borrowers about the consequences of non-payment is another serious issue. Borrowers might be incorrectly informed that missing a payment will not significantly impact their credit score or lead to severe collection actions. In reality, non-payment can result in damaged credit, legal actions, wage garnishments, or even foreclosure in the case of secured loans.
  • Public Shaming: Informing neighbors, relatives, or colleagues about the borrower’s debt in an attempt to shame them into paying is extremely disrespectful and against the borrower’s rights.
  • Seizing Property: Illegally seizing or threatening to seize the borrower’s property without due process is a serious offense. Due process requires that borrowers be given proper notice and an opportunity to be heard before any property is taken, ensuring lawful and fair action.

These guidelines can help individuals remain calm and rational when facing recovery agents. Below is a case study of a person who experienced harassment from a recovery agent.

Case Study

Mr. Aanu has been experiencing severe mental stress due to persistent calls and messages from a recovery agency, including fake threat messages claiming they would contact his relatives regarding his loan recovery. Aanu is highly concerned about his family’s privacy and fears that their knowledge of his loans would significantly affect their mental well-being, especially his father’s.

Initially, our in-house advocate successfully managed to prevent any form of direct communication or visits from the recovery agency for the first three months following the commencement of our loan settlement services. However, there is now a possibility of a visit from the recovery agency to Mr. Aanu’s residence, which has greatly increased his stress levels.

After a long conversation on the phone with the bank, they agreed to provide DND (Do Not Disturb) services to Mr. Aanu for one month and further stated that after this period, they can approach for settlement.

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Recovery agent harassment is a serious issue that can have profound emotional, financial, and legal consequences for individuals in debt. The aggressive and often unethical tactics employed by some debt collectors and repossession agents can cause immense stress and anxiety, infringing upon debtors’ rights and dignity. Laws and regulations exist in many countries to protect individuals from such misconduct, emphasizing fair treatment and prohibiting harassment, threats, and deceptive practices.

Contact us today at take the first step towards financial recovery.